Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7...

So after some battling with writers block (even with the blog!), I've picked up on my mid-life crisis storyline. I'm 98% of how I want to lay it out, which makes me very happy. I have the prologue finished, and I scrapped the first chapter I had written and started over from another angle, which I love.

I'm hoping to write at least a chapter a day (or more!) and try to be finished by the end of the year (hopefully earlier) and start to submit to agents and see where that goes.

We shall see! :-)

I'll blog more soon...What's everyone reading?!?


1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I found you!!! I hope to read more about your mid-life crisis storyline, I always admire people who have the talent to write a story. As for me, I am almost done with changing my blog template, I am almost satisfied with it, but now I have to write 16 reviews!! So instead of to be read pile I have a to be reviewed pile LOL... Right now I am reading Meredith's Duran Bound By Your Touch. I will check your blog often for updates! Hugs, Marissa
